Get In Touch is produced and maintained by TechDrive InfoServices, an information services company duly registered in The Philippines.
Frequently Asked Questions

TESSDrive stands for:
T — Technology
E — EcoMobility
S — Sustainability
S — Sustenance
Under Technology, we share stories, pictures, and videos of innovative or practical technologies that aim not only to improve human lives, but also carry the potential to help improve our interaction with Earth’s ecosystem and in conserving precious resources. Thus, we feature gadgets made with recyclable materials, or produced under fair trade policies that avoid exploitation of forced labor. We share stories on renewable energy, and how it can be applied to all aspects of our everyday lives.
In EcoMobility, we envision a future when transport will run on renewable, environment-friendly fuels. We will keep our readers updated on these developments. We share stories, videos, and pictures that depict the rapidly evolving automotive and transport sector. We pay special attention, as well, to automobiles made with sustainable, recyclable materials.
For Sustainability, we feature stories that support and espouse recycling and reusing finite resources, and highlight organizations and endeavors that best exemplify environment-friendly practices through their projects and developments.
Sustenance revolves around “planet-friendly” diets (primarily vegetarianism and veganism) that do not place an unbearable strain on the planet’s resources, as well as healthy practices and natural treatments towards an individual’s overall well-being. Sustenance would also mean “spiritual sustenance”, as we feed you stories that nourish the human spirit and unleash the good and compassionate in us all.
Drive, which ultimately encompasses the TessDrive team’s motivations and desires, best describes how driven we are towards sustainability and balance.
TessDrive believes that in order to sustain human life, there is absolutely no need for all other animals to suffer the inhumane practices of the livestock industries. Thanks to the rapid advancements in food technology in the last two decades, we now have the capability to transform plants into sustainable and affordable meat substitutes.
Apart from the compassionate aspect of living the vegan (or plant-based) lifestyle, more and more scientific studies are pointing to the fact that the activities and practices of the livestock industry and its allied/supporting sectors are key contributors to global climate change.
We at TessDrive believe that by offering better, more efficient, more sustainable, and more compassionate alternatives to the public, we can do away with the exploitation of all sentient beings for our own consumption, entertainment, and lifestyles. For good.
There are a lot of ways to go about it. But everything starts with you as a model of sustainability. You can share your own beliefs and practices via your personal account in social media (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube), or you can expand your network and influence by joining the TessDrive community. Like our TessDrive Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube channel. You can then message us and share your own valuable insights!
Vegans eat no animal products, while vegetarians don’t eat animals, but may eat products that come from them (such as dairy and eggs). People typically choose these diets because of health concerns, religious restrictions or moral concerns about harming animals.