The day Metro Manila bikers became a hero for all animals

Last Sunday, 14 cyclists from around Metro Manila gathered for a tour of the historical sites around the metropolis. It was August 25, the day before the country observed National Heroes’ Day.

To make this tour more significant, all participants partook of delicious, 100% plant-based meals and snacks, lovingly prepared by the seasoned vegan crew of Greenery Kitchen, and supplemented by tasty Quorn vegan meat-substitute products. Thus, not only did our cyclists revisited and gave due respect to our national heroes and heritage sites, they also became heroes for all animals–especially livestock and farm animals–because not a single sentient being was harmed nor slaughtered in order to feed the bikers.

This Sunday ride for our history and the animals, dubbed the “Heroes and Heritage Bicycle Tour of Metro Manila”, is the second leg of the ongoing “Project V360” of, which aims to promote a wholistic, plant-based lifestyle through environment-friendly activities such as cycling.

Here’s a glimpse of what we did last Sunday. Watch out for our main feature on the “Project V360: Heroes and Heritage Bicycle Tour of Metro Manila” coming out very soon!