Better ways found today: Boracay for sustainable tourism; Harvard to go vegan; climate change deniers’ deep pockets

TessDrive presents a regular summary of online finds, web discoveries that show us better ways to a better world. Ever so slowly, we’ll help you restore your faith in humanity.

Boracay: Leading the way to sustainable tourism

Episode 1139 of the massively popular Nas Daily Facebook page tackled the global problem of “overtourism” and its resulting consequences such as pollution and environmental degradation.

Nas, who has evidently fallen in love with the Philippines and its people, featured Boracay Island as an example of a sociopolitical community that has proactively addressed the issues of overtourism. In the video, Nas shows Boracay closing itself from tourists in order to begin its rehabilitation, demolishing structures that haven’t met environment regulations, and instituting eco-friendly infrastructure, transport systems, and waste disposal policies and tourism activities, and then ultimately re-opening to the outside world refreshed, clean, and environment-friendly.

Nas presents Boracay island as a prime example of sustainable tourism, “to make islands more fun forever”.

Watch the full video here:

How This Country Fixed Tourism! – Nas Daily

Harvard to promote plant-based diets has reported in a news post dated October 4 that “Harvard plans to focus promoting plant-based food as part of a commitment to reduce food-related greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent by 2030.”

The article, titled “Harvard is going vegan to save the planet”, explained, “The university has signed the Cool Food Pledge, created by World Resources Institute (WRI) and UN Environment, to add to its promise to make Harvard fossil fuel neutral by 2026 and fossil fuel free by 2050.”

The article added, “Some of the other initiatives endorsed by Harvard students and faculty members include: Harvard’s Sustainable and Healthful Food Standards developed by a multi-disciplinary faculty committee provides a handy guide that not only enhances food literacy but also provides a list of sustainable and healthful food options, so that students, faculty, staff, and visitors are more informed about the consequences of their food choices.”

Read the full story here:

Harvard is going vegan to save the planet

Climate change deniers well-organized, funded

Global climate change has been confirmed by a panel of scientists from around the world. And yet, their findings–and the sound science behind these–are under attack by organized, deep pockets.

In a December 2013 investigative report by Colin Schultz, titled “Meet the Money Behind The Climate Denial Movement” and which appeared in the, it was revealed that, “There is a very well-funded, well-orchestrated climate change-denial movement, one funded by powerful people with very deep pockets.”

This revelation six years ago (which holds even more relevance today) came about after “Drexel University sociologist Robert Brulle took a deep dive into the financial structure of the climate deniers, to see who is holding the purse strings.”

The article disclosed: “According to Brulle’s research, the 91 think tanks and advocacy organizations and trade associations that make up the American climate denial industry pull down just shy of a billion dollars each year, money used to lobby or sway public opinion on climate change and other issues.”

Know where the climate change denial money is coming from. Read the full story here: 

Meet the Money Behind The Climate Denial Movement